pink day

My favorite part of pink day was building structure. Me and my buddy built a catapult  I tried it out and it worked. But first we tried to build a square but it failed. Then we listen to a song called stand by me and we did a long dance called singing in the rain. but then first we ate hot dog and then there we did the activities. My team color was brown and everything we did was awesome it was the best.

My Christmas

I went to Winnipeg and Shellbrooke.I got a indomonis rex (Rex) and a Helacoptr. (helicopter) that i need to conchrol (control ) with my I pad. I got a scadoo (skidoo) and booby trap. I sou (saw)my cuzinz (cousin) wer (we were) having fun. I got a door alarm and a zoomr (Zoomer) dino.(Dino)